Personal Growth Takes Time

It takes a lot to admit to yourself that you failed; or that you really weren’t doing your best. Personal growth is not an easy endeavor. It makes you take a hard look at yourself, and once you figure out the millions of things that are wrong with you, then the uphill struggle to improve those things is long and hard.

One thing I have learned is that I have to have patience with myself. It’s so easy to get down on myself and obsess about how far I have to go, but look at how far I have gone! Real growth takes time.

Lord, you know my heart and the things that I need help with. I know you have already given me the strength I need to complete them and now it’s just up to me.

If there is anyone else out there struggling to be a better version of themselves, just know that you’re not alone. Let’s take this one day at a time. Smile on the outside until you feel it on the inside!

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