Netflix Series: Must Watch!

I’m addicted to Netflix Series!! Help!

I know it’s been a few minutes since my last post, so please forgive me. I’m trying to put more focus into actually getting things done instead of writing about them. LOL Cheer me on!!

Right now, I’m trying to really pay attention to what I’m eating. Being a diabetic is hard and it feels like even if I try to eat “better” I’m still eating wrong for a diabetic. It feels like a no-win situation. If I try to eat “less”, it’s ok but I’m still eating too many carbs. For example: a sandwich.

All I can do is my best. God knows my heart and I really am trying to do better. Aside from my food issues, let’s talk about my Netflix time! Yes, I am still stuck on series…

I just finished watching Fall of the House of Usher. OMG, what a series!! It was so easy to get into considering how they started, with the main character going back in time. Some things really rubbed me the wrong way in Episode 2 with the club scene and the satanic sounding music and lyrics! That was a bit much, but after that, it began to flow and I got into it.

I was also going back and watching the old seasons of Love is Blind. Season 2 with Shake! OMG, that was by far the best season! I also checked out Surviving Paradise. This one was really good and I definitely had some folks on there that made my blood boil every time they were on screen! One word: Tabitha!!

Right now, I’m watching Love in the Wild. I’m in the middle of it right now and so far, I like it. Not sure if it will be one of my favorites, but I’m enjoying it. Next on my list is Six Feet Under and The Family Business.

Let me know what you think of these if you have watched any!

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