plant on fire

The Struggle is Real

plant on fire
Photo by Evie Shaffer on

Do you struggle with depression? I do and it’s been harder lately. When I recognize this, I always ask myself, what have you been doing? This time, the answer is “isolating”.

It’s been a year now since I have been on the dental implant journey and I am at the last step, waiting for my finals. I don’t go out with girlfriends anymore. I’m in the house everyday with Moki and it’s driving me crazy. Then most people would say, Get out of the house!

Well, that’s easy to do when your money is right. Hubby and I are taking some steps right now to reduce bills, so we are restricting ourselves and it’s getting to me. LOL Shopping is out right now and it’s too hot to just be out for nothing.

I pray that God gives me the strength to overcome this bout of depression and move forward. It’s not easy, even when you know what it is…

I want to hear what you think!