Devil, Step Back!

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The devil always comes when you’re trying to do something big. Here at 51 years old, I am really trying to right some wrongs and do better. This has nothing to do with anyone but me.

I have this picture in my head of what I want my future to look like and I’m trying to get the ball rolling in that direction; step by step. I’m well aware that I have a long way to go but I am positive that it is possible!

Everything I have prayed for has come to pass and this new prayer is next on the list.

Going in to 52:

I want my body to be healthier.

I want to be able to walk into any room with confidence and grace.

I pray for financial stability for my household and my son’s.

I’m praying for the strength to buckle down and do what needs to be done financially and physically, and I know that putting God ahead of this is the first thing I need to do.

Lord, you know my heart and you hear my prayers. I thank you in advance for the life changing things you will make happen in my life. I pray for you to show me the steps to where I’m trying to go and give me the strength to take those steps.

Thank you, Lord, for the victory!

Depression and Anxiety Along with Aging

Photo by RDNE Stock project on

It’s been hard. Being someone who struggles with depression and anxiety can be debilitating, but I try my best to be positive about most things.

It seems like as I get older, I’m more afraid. It’s like every little ache or pain scares me into thinking something may be wrong. I do have health issues and they are currently under control, but this aging thing sucks!

It’s hard when you start realizing you can’t do some of the things you’re used to doing. Now, I have to find new ways to get things done and I’m not gonna lie, that’s not a good feeling.

I realize things could be much worse and I am truly blessed for my health to be what it is. With retirement in 2019 and the changes taking place in my body, I feel out of control sometimes. I need to feel in control of my health again. It’s like when you age, it’s out of your hands and that’s scary for me.

If you’re a Christian reading this, please pray for me that I’ll have the strength to get my health under control and feel better. I can’t let depression and anxiety scare me away from aging with grace.

I have all of the tools I need. Now I just need the strength to use them.

I so appreciate everyone who stops by to read my blog. I don’t know why you do it but I love you for it! 😊

Planet Fitness: Let’s Start Again logo

I’ve started going back to planet fitness and I kind of enjoy it. I’m just concentrating on walking on the treadmill for one hour, three times a week. That way I won’t push myself too hard and quit!

I’ve had more than one gym membership in my life and I like Planet Fitness the best. They are inexpensive and I’ve had good experiences with the people who work there. I never feel like I’m not doing enough or that people are watching me. It is truly a No Judgment Zone!

It really took some time for me to start going back. I was really afraid but I couldn’t figure out why. I’m not exactly a stranger to working out but I was really apprehensive about getting there.

I asked God to show me why I was afraid and later I saw it. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do the things I used to do in the gym so I felt ashamed. Since I turned 50, my body has been going through some changes. The arthritis in my ankles bothers me more than it used to and I’ve gained at least 5 lbs. That doesn’t sound like much but I can see it, my ankles feel it and I HATE IT!

I remember the days when I used to pray to God to be retired so I could have the time to take better care of myself. Well, here I am! Time to keep up my end of the bargain!

Thank you, Lord, for my health and strength.

Any gym buddies out there who can help keep me accountable? I need you!

Ageing is Scaring Me…

Ageing is Scaring Me… 1

I’m beginning to notice something. I am more afraid than I used to be; of ageing. I watch tv and I see so many commercials about this illness and that one, and it affects me differently than it used to. I have to purposely stop my thoughts from running away with me.

I’m 51 years old now with a few health conditions and sometimes the future of my health scares me. I hate to admit that, but there it is. Aging is scary. I’m not even sure I can finish this post.

Lord, please just keep your hands on me.